Saturday, April 2, 2011

Why do I do this to myself!!! And other self-loathing comments!!

We all do it. Say hateful things, to ourselves. Would we say these things to our family or friends? Definitely not!! So why say them to ourselves? I wish I had the answer to this. Lately I have found myself binging on sweets and other carbs. I really don't know why. Do I think I'll never have another sweet for the rest of my life? That's how I'm approaching it!! Why? Why can't stop? Why am doing this to myself? I am working so hard to become the healthy person I need to be, and I am sabotaging all my good efforts! I am such a failure!! I am such a hypocrite! How can I suggest to others how to get fit and eat healthy, when I'm not? What is wrong with me? I want to do the right thing for myself, I want to be around for my family and future grandbabies! Then I find myself going down this dark path away from my goals! Maybe I need a professional to talk to; to find out what the motive is behind this? Has anyone else been here?

Every morning I try to give myself positive affirmations, tell myself I will make it through this one day making healthy choices for myself! And I do pretty good, then comes evening, and I seem to shut down! What's that all about? Why can't I have the control to NOT shove this crap in my mouth like there's no tomorrow? Sorry for the rambling, but I hoped putting everything out there would help me come up with an answer. I'm open for suggestions, too!

One thing that I am still doing is working out. At least I still have that going in the right direction! And this is one habit I pray will never leave. I still have goals for this part of my healthy lifestyle! I have signed up for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, I AM going to do my next triathlon in June, and I am seriously considering going to Kennesaw State in the fall to get my Personal Trainer Certification! I REALLY WANT THIS!!!'s to a glorious new day of making good choices! I know I CAN do this! And so can you!!

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